Note: - To attack enemies, click the purple lit tile underneath them. If no tiles are lit purple, you are not in attacking range of any enemies. Also, remember to hit the "End Turn" button when you're finished with your turn.

             - The player's attack range is 1 block in all 4 directions from the jester.

             - For a more thorough tutorial, check the pause menu in game (esc button)

The court jester has been caught faking tricks in the castle parlor. Using his magic dice and cards, he must take his chances and face off against the defenders of the throne. Will the odds be in his favor? Or does this house always win?



The Jester
As the chosen entertainer of the Royal Family, the Jester has stealthily used his position to swindle more and more wealth from the Court through rigged gambles, sleight of hand, and simple theft. Having finally been caught, he'll have to be smart - and lucky - to get out of this one.


Even those closest to the King fear his wrath, and the Jester has just found himself on the receiving end of it. With his large frame and vengeful nature in the face of betrayal, the King is dangerous and unpredictable.


The Queen

Though her husband officially runs this court, the Queen holds the real power. She's cunning enough to stay out of fights she can't win, and strike when the moment is right.



A nobleman and trusted counselor to the court, Jack is a textbook brown-noser. He has long felt threatened by the Jester's high status and good reputation. Likewise, he is thrilled to see the court turn against you and would love to deliver the final blow.


The Knight of Diamonds

Only select knights join the Diamond ranks. They are the most loyal, strong, and experienced soldiers in the King's Army, serving as the personal guardians of the King and Queen. Being a Knight of Diamonds is all about loyalty and trust, and will not hesitate to kill the Jester and restore order for the Court.


Big Bumba
No one knows exactly what Big Bumba is, though his simple-mindedness and animal-like behavior mimics that of the King's pet. He's doesn't particularly care much about your crimes, instead more interested in the loot lying around the castle. But get too close or take his loot...and may God have mercy on your soul.


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This is absolutely amazing, everything from the art style to the creativity of the game play, seriously good job! The music is also a nice steady beat that ties the whole thing together.